In bio, we are learning the evolution of Humans and how they are today. After all the book work we had a little reward of watching the movie "The Croods" but of course, we still had to learn about what the Croods are .... so here we are in this blogpost. Here is me trying to figure out what species of hominins they are
Hand/feet: They did knuckle walk but also be able to stand on their legs and walk/run/
Brain: Skill-wise the Croods had some brain development to be able to hunt, hide, and strategize.
Language: They can talk but they can also make awoogaa boogaa sounds. E.g They talk throughout the film but to scare threats or predators they make the awooogaa booga sounds.
Fire: The Croods didn't know anything about fire, but when Guy came along they were shocked and then used the fire throughout the film.
Farming & Domestication: They animals as pets (the friendly ones)
Spirituality & Death: Grug was able to feel sympathy about Guy's family's "death"
Shelter: They stayed in caves and used space but didn't add materials to build just yet.
Art: Grug was able to make art so therefore they know about art.
Clothing: Guy's clothes are quite creative and can create clothes but for the Croods family they have skin hides.
Tools: The Croods didn't have tools or know of tools, but Guy had tools and the skills to make tools.
Hunting: Croods had no tools to hunt, but Guy had traps and skill levels to hunt and seduce.
I've come to the conclusion that it's a bit of both Homo Erectus and Homo Heidelbergensis, weirdly the internet says it's a blend of both Homo sapien and Neanderthal. I argue with that because yes in a way you would think that but if you think about it the Croods only just learnt about fire in the first half of the film. That fact would be dated back to the Homo Erectus era when they first created fire.
I was a pupil in Uru Mānuka and this blog is where I shared my learning.
Monday, 11 April 2022
The Croods (Bi0o0o0o0o0)
Tuesday, 22 March 2022
Pota-tools ( BI0o0o0o00o0o0o0)
In bio, we've been learning about Dispersal and cultural evolution of Hominins. As shown below we are looking at the ways Homins made stone tools back millions of years ago. Instead of Stone, we used Potatoes to make the Potat-tools. We did the same techniques as they did millions of years ago ( like how many strikes they did to make these tools) HERE is me work:)
Saturday, 12 March 2022
Homo naledi - BIO0O0
‘Homo naledi, your recently discovered human relative’
National History Museum
11 April 2019
This article is about a new species that was found in 2013 in a South African cave on a site that is about 40 kilometres from Johannesburg. A palaeoanthropologist named Lee Berger assembled his team to come with and excavate bones down in the cave, they managed to recover more than 1,500 fossils of bones belonging to at least 15 individuals, ranging from elderly back down to infants. These species displayed a lot of unique combinations of non-human and human traits throughout the skeleton. Prof Stringer says explains that ‘ some of the Homo naledi’s features, such as its hands, wrist and feet, are very similar to those of modern human and Neanderthals. Although there were some more primitive, some species have small brains and the shape of their upper torso was more robust and more ape-like. There was also some discovering that their finger bones were more curved and that their hip joint was most closely reassembled to australopithecines and Homo habilis. The teeth got small at the front but towards the back of the mouth, it increased in size, which they also had light jawbones. Naledi’s anatomy suggests that they walked on two legs but they also had the ability to climb and hang off trees ape-like.
Wednesday, 9 March 2022
Me solos :P (MUS-HACK) (Part 1 : Musical Theater and Collection)
YO YO YO, I'm back with me bloggies for the year, topic music. Musical Theather night is coming up in term 2, that's something I'm looking forward to :). I've decided to 2 musical solos to perform for the night, then for the other solos, I'm thinking about making them some pop songs or something later on in the year.
First solo; I can hear the bells - Hairspray ~
My aim for this is to have the dialogue of him (Link) and I bump into each other on stage, he says his dialogue then me love struck in the middle of the stage, he leaves, Penny enters .... she says her dialogue then the song will begin. How'll play Tracy in this scene is acting love stuck , and determined that I will win Links, heart.
Second Solo; Nothings gonna harm you - Sweeney Todd~
Monday, 14 June 2021
What is the song you have chosen to perform?: I've decided to choose the song 'Johanna' from the movie Sweeney Todd.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021
MusHACK (AKA Music)
Backstreets Boys group song
Who's in the group?: Nadia, Sam, Bre (Brianna), and Me
What each person is doing?: Lows, Normal, Highs, and normal ( in name order at the previous question)
What song, genre?: "I want it that way", Pop
What part are we working on first?: How we first came up to do this song is simply because we were messing around singing karaoke tracks. Originally we were going to sing Lovely by Billie Eilish and Khalid ( that's now our plan B) but since 'I want it that way' has different singing parts to equally divide between 4 we chose that. So the first 4 weeks we were slowly singing parts and collectively improving it while we sing. We went from soundtrack to piano, now we are just singing it and perfecting it.
What is the biggest challenge?: I guess for me it would be timing and how to stay in key and learn to make my voice soft but loud. ( but not too soft)
Thursday, 4 June 2020
METH 'Jessica' PSA ad ~ English
'Jessica' Meth PSA. Harmful effects of drugs
There is a clear connection to drugs in the ‘Jessica’ PSA ad that talks about a teenage girl named Jessica that is addicted to meth and her story. This is shown by the use of lighting in this ad, showing that Jessica’s life went from happy, joyful, energetic to dark, and shows the addiction she now has and how it’s impacted her life and others. This is demonstrated when it went from her on the cheer squad with the crowds cheering for her to then getting gradually worse over time. The director's purpose is to show the audience that meth or any type of drug can mess up your life and break close relationships with people. This situation reminds me of all the stories or movies that show the theme that drugs will mess up your life and how overall will mess up your future.