LO-> Be able to identify, locate and describe the function of muscles.
17/8/17 - 18/8/17
Glotuse maximams
- Biceps:The Biceps are located down you arms and near your shoulders
- Triceps: At the back of your Biceps down it (it is under neath your biceps.
-Gluteus maximus: Located in your behind
-Muscles are a soft tissue in your body that are located in a certon place like e.g Biceps are located near your shoulders.
-There are around 650 skeletal muscles in your body.
- It takes 17 muscles to form your smile.
-There are three types of muscle in your body (Skeletal,cardiac, and smooth)
-Muscles are a type of physical well being.
1) upper arm
2)Under arm
5)In you thigh
6)Back next to your spin
2)There are 17 muscles in you face that form your smile,650 skeletal muscles in your body
Biceps->It is used for your forearm lifting up and down.It helps control the shoulder and the elbow.
Gluteus Maximus-> It is responsible to move the thigh & hip and it is the strongest muscle in your body.
Triceps->It is responsible for extending the elbow joint other wise you wouldn't be able to bend your arm.
Heart-> The heart is a muscle because there are some muscle in the heart.
Frontalis-> It is responsible for pulling your skull back to make your skin wrinkle and to make your eyebrows lift.
Risorius-> It is part of your jaw to make you eat and to move it up or down and side to side.