
Friday, 17 August 2018

English: Matrix for Myths, Legends, Fables and Tales : Updated

LO->Students will understand that traditional stories show aspect of different cultures.

In English, we are learning to understand and find the meaning of stories

My story I chose was The Monkey and the Turtle ( Which is a fable). There are different tasks to show your learning so these are some links of how I showed my learning with this story...

Static Image
Character Profile
Comic strip


The monkey is mean,
He threw away all the greens,
The turtle is sad.

Monkey is hungry,
But the turtle is helping,
In the end it’s bad

Why do you think the author created this story? Mybye they wanted a diffrent storyline than the others
What is the purpose (reason) for writing this story? To teach a moral.
What is the author trying to explain? Don't steal other peoples stuff or you will be punished later on.
What did the characters learn? Don't do bad things or you will be punished.
How did the characters grow or change? Spoiler: One charter dies ( Got cut up) and the other drowns

Why did the characters act this way? Because the other one stole there fruit.

Why do you think the story came into existence? Because the author wanted moral and a different type of story.
What did you learn about the Philippines from reading the story? That you will be punished if you do a bad thing.
What do you think the purpose of this story is? For a diffrent type of story and a moral.
Why do you think this story is important to the people of the Philippines? Don't do bad thing because you will get punished later.

What could I do better?:
Make it pop with different colours instead of keeping it the same one every time. ( especially the background)

One thing I might change about this story is the ending it's too brutal. I would make the Monkey have karma until he dies of natural courses.

1 comment:

  1. this is amazing Meagan,i loved reading this,brilliant job.


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