Our last practical was_______ ( can't remember the name so anything that has ________ is the name of it)

_____ is in my opinion like stir fry but with noodles. This meal consists of noodles, meat, vegetables, and soy sauce. The way it was cooked is letting the noodles sit in a bowl of water for 10 mins then draining it and leaving a 1/2 of the access water with it ( but little ol me didn't read the recipe because I was under stress and so I accidentally drained the whole thing -__-) anyway once that is all happening you cook all the other ingredients with each other . You got to make sure that the meat is moist, not hard because if it is it's going to be burnt, and you don't want that happing.
Eh, could have gone better, I felt like I was out of my head because I wasn't in the right mind state but we all tried to make it work
The outcome was good it was well presented but I wouldn't know what it tasted like because I didn't eat it but my sister did so i'll tell you her feedback in the conclusion.
Taste: 3/10. My sister rated that because she felt like it was too soy saucey because it looked like it was drenched in it
Prep: 2/10. I think we did ok I guess but I felt like we could have done better with all the prep.
Teamwork: 7/10. I felt like some of us was working together and others were lacking
Teamwork: 7/10. I felt like some of us was working together and others were lacking
Meagan i think you are looking for the name of Sapasui which was the name of the dish that we made. You rated yourselves quiet low for prep work, what areas do you think need improvement and how do you think you will improve on this for future practicals