2 pounds thinly sliced raw beef/steak
3/4 cup Soy sauce
1 Tsp paprika
1 Tsp honey
2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp onion powder
How to make it:
- Gather soy sauce,paprika,honey,black pepper,red pepper flakes,garlic powder,onion powder in a bowl.
- Add your meat to the bowl until it turns into coat beef completely.
- Cover the bowl overnight so it can marinate.
- The next day you preheat the oven to 175 degrees.
- Then transfer the beef on to a dry paper towl.
- Then place your beef with the dry paper towl in the oven.
- leave it there until it is leathery.
Results: What does it smell like? It smelled like cat food
What did it taste like? I tasted like cat food
What does it look like? a leathery beef and 1 month old dry beef.
What does salt do to the meat?
The salt made the meat not have any mold,to suck up the juice that can kill bacteria.