
Friday 3 March 2017

We Are Hornby: Assessment

We are Hornby:

What we are learning:
We were learning about how to explain why is Hornby high is in our community and explaining the values of Hornby high.

How I think this work show my learning:
In my work showed what role and responsible that people got to have to be able to have a role in the school.
What does the values mean and how to show them in our community and at random places e.g ( In my work I wrote) In the streets say "Hello" to show respect.

If I did this task again what would I do differently:
I would add how to show our values in the community, how to show our school values around the whole school, to add who is in our community.

Something I am wondering or a question I have from completing this work:
I was wondering in my work if there was more roles and responsibility in this school e.g if there was more roles in this school.

 Here is my work: Hornby High

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