
Friday 22 September 2017

DDLC *Boom Gone*

So this is a post about Doki Doki Liture club Deaths so if you don't want spoilers or you can't take it then leave because somethings I say or show might be creepy or etc.

First one that dies is your childhood friend Sayori . When she said something about her depression and she asks you if you love her or like her the next morning ( the day of the festival) you found out she hasn't showed up yet so you go to her house and open the door slowly and BOOM there you see her
Image result for sayori hang Related imagecan't find the sence also the music that was playing was Sayo-nara (sorry if this song is creepy)Sayori Death Music

Next to Die is Yuri ( apparently best girl) So when Yuri confesses her love to you , you chose between Love her or not anyway it doesn't matter she kills herself eather way by stabing herself. So that death screen goes for the whole weekend (btw you have to skip it)
Image result for yuri deathImage result for yuri death don't mind the music in the background that's the only one I can find without it being restricted Yuri Death

Next Would be Natsuki, Now Once it is Monday Morning ( Btw your still with yuri's dead corpse) Natsuki thinks she's late so she says sorry and the Boom she sees Yuri dead on the floor. So she runs off vomiting. I wouldn't say this is a death scene but at some point when Sayori is already dead and restarting the whole days, If you spend more time with Yuri Natsuki comes up to you saying basically " play with me, why are you spending more time with her and not me" so after that she snaps and says PLAY WITH ME and snaps her neck.
Image result for natsuki vomit-Image result for natsuki snapped neck-Image result for natsuki snapped neck

Not really a Death scene but When you delete Monika she has this pixly thing.
Image result for deleting monika

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