To separate the different pigments in ink dyes using paper Chromatography.
Felt pen,Filter Paper,Water,Beaker,Tape.
- Cut a strip of filter paper.
- Rule a line about 2cm from the bottom (a straight line) or do your finger width.
- Grab your felt pen and do a dark circle until you feel like you nearly just coloured through the paper.
- Fill your beaker up to 1cm
- Dip your paper in slowly and when it hits the line just leave it there. ( Tape the bit you are up to.)
- And then see the magic happen.
When I diped the paper in I saw what happened to it. It slowly moved the felt up or kept the felt dot in one place and the rest went up.
It depends on what colour you are doing for e.g my colour was pink when the felt moved slowly it went pink,pink,light pink to orange.