
Monday 19 March 2018

Growing Crystals

I want to find out hot to make crystals form in a super saturated solution


  • A super saturated solution of Sodium Acetate
  • A seed crystal of sodium acetate
  • Busen burner
  • Heating Mat
  • Boiling tube
  • Scissor Tongs
  • Funnel
  • Filter paper
  • Small beaker
  1. Filter the super-saturated on the funnel.
  2. Place you fennel (with the filtered paper on top) on top of your Boiling tube.
  3. Pour your liquid into the funnel and you should see a crystal form.
  4. When it's done remove the funnel and see if it has little crystal in it. (Plus if you smell it, It smells like salt and vinegar. Don't waste it we need that at the end)
  5. Grab your Boiling tube and your Busen burner, pop on your safety glasses plus the scissor tongs because you are going to heat it over the Bunsen burner (remember to have the heating mat under it.)
6. Grab your scissor tongs and place it like your holding it.
7. Put in a 45-degree angle, point it at the wall.
8. When your heat your tube remember to take it on and off the flame because you will burn your hands.
9. When it is all melted grab your small beaker fill it with cold water and place your boiling tube (with the liquid in it) in that water to cool off for 5 minutes
10. *Fun part*. Once it is cooled off grab a little tiny crystal on pop it in the boiling tube and see the magic.

When I heated the crystal it melted.
When I cooled it and popped a crystal in it, It formed into the crystal form in the start.
I think why it did that is because the crystal liquid in there didn't form with each other because there was nothing really to form But the raw crystal was poped in it reacted because the crystal liquid wasn't used to that raw crystal.

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