
Thursday 11 April 2019

Extracting DNA in Kiwi Fruit- Science

To extract DNA from the kiwi fruit to observe it.

  • Spatula
  • Zip Lock Bag
  • Kiwi Fruit
  • Test Tube ( If you have one)
  • Dishwashing Liquid 
  • Ethanol 
  • Salt
  • Water
  1.  Put half a Kiwi fruit into a bag and mush it together , take the brown skin out and then add a pinch of salt and 25ml of water OR you can scoop the Kiwi fruit into the bag and then do the water and salt thing ( Recommend doing the brown skin one because you get all the juice and the rest of the fruit)
  2. Add dishwashing liquid
  3. Grab a funnel and a cloth and drain it the DNA down into a test tube
  4.  Then tilt your test tube on a 45-degree angle and add 10ml of Ethanol 
  5.  Get it to sit there for 5 mins and then wait what it does.
  6. If you want you can grab a spatula and scoop slowly the DNA
Results/ Observations:
I found it fascinating how they Kiwi fruits DNA can float up to the top. Also what I found fascinating is all these chemicals can blend in to make things appears and have a reaction.

Discussion/ Conclusion:
FUN FACT: don't drink the Ethanol because it's stronger than alcohol and it will kill you. Other than that life lesson everything went well and successful.

Here are some photos:
( Update them later because its being mean right now)



1 comment:

  1. Awesome Meagan! Love seeing the photos of you doing the experiment :)


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