
Friday 21 June 2019

Corrosion Experiment- Science

Aim: To investigate the Factors that cause iron to rust.

Hypothesis: I believe ( which makes me sound smart instead of saying " I think") that the salt water will be effective because salt has a lot of --------( don't know how to describe) chemicals.

Equipment: 5- less test tubes, Test tube RACK, a bung, 5- less iron nails, Nail polish, Vegetable oil, Saltwater, Calcium Chloride, Magnesium, water.


  1. GrAb yA nAiLs ( grab your nails)
  2.  gRaB tHe LiQuId yA nEeD ( Grab the liquids you need)
  3. pAiNt tHe nAiL aNd wAiT fOr iT tO dRy, oNcE iT iS dRy pLoOp tHe nAiL iN tHe wAtEr. ( paint the nail and wait for it to dry, once it is dry ploop the nail in the water)
  4. pUt sOmE OiL iN tHe nExT tEsT tUbE aNd aDd tHe nAiL. ( Put some oil in the next test tube and add the nail)
  5. aDd sOmE sAlTwAtEr iN tHe oThEr tEsT tUbE tHeN aDd tHe nAiL. ( add some saltwater in the other test tube then add the nail)
  6. tHe nExT tEsT tUbe y'AlL aDd iS cAlcIuM cHloRidE aNd tHeN aDd yOuR nAiL. ( the next test tube y'all add is calcium chloride and then add your nail.)
  7. tHe lAsT LiQuId yA aDd iN tHe lAsT tEsT tUbE iS mAgNeSiUm aNd pLoOp yA nAiL iN. ( The last liquid you add in the last test tube is magnesium and ploop your nail in)
  8. lEaVe oVeR tHe nExT 4 dAyS aNd y'AlL hAvE y'AlL rEsUlTs. ( Leave over the next 4 days and you'll have your results)
The nail polish only had a little rust at the top, but other than that there was some nail polish that came off.
The oil had no rust, it was just oily.
The saltwater caused nothing.
The calcium chloride had only a little rust in it.
The magnesium didn't rust.

My guess was wrong because I believed that the saltwater would be more effective, but it was only the Calcium Chloride and the Nail polish.

1 comment:

  1. Great work Meagan, I really like how you have included a conclusion linked to hypothesis. Why do you think most of them didn't rust? did you see the magnesium.... had anything happened to it?
    Next time it would be good to see a discussion as well as the conclusion. A discussion should explain why you think it is happening- what is the scientific reasons?


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