
Wednesday 15 February 2017

Lab safety

To set you hands on fire safely in the lab.


  • Dish washing liquid 
  • Safety glasses
  • Water 
  • Tray or a bucket ( to put the liquids in)
  • Gas ( so you can make it bubbly)
  • A lighter.
You must have an adult watching you and helping you!!

  1. Put safety glasses on your face.
  2. Tie you hair back and tuck it into your shirt ( so you'll not burn your hair)
  3. Wet your hands and forearms.
  4. Turn on the gas
  5. Put the gas in to your tray or bucket.
  6. Scoop up the bubbles in the tray or bucket.
  7. Stand opposite your parent elbows together so they can light the fire under your hands
  8. If it burns slowly spreed  your hands outwards.

By judging by people look it was like you were in a warm area like a camp fire.

  • How can I make the experiment safer? If I feel the burn i'll separate my hands slowly than fast.
  • Why did the fire not burn on my hands? Because if you don't have bubbles and water on your arms it won't work.
  • Could I safely lit my body on fire? No because if I have long hair it will just burn it also how am I going to take out the fire?  

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