
Wednesday 1 August 2018

Blog refection about Resilience : Health

What did you learn about?: 
I learnt that people give up easily.
My favourite saying connected to resilience is... "Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it's less good than the one you had before."

Was there anything you felt difficult to understand? Why?:
It was difficult to understand information about… Nothing was hard for me because I know the meaning of resilience.

How did you relate to the video “Who Moved My Cheese”?:
The video “Who moved my Cheese” is about… 4 charter named sniff, scurry ( mouses) Hem and how ( Humans) finding cheese every day but it kept dispersing so sniff and scurry ran to a different location to find the cheese meanwhile Hem and Haw just stayed there for a couple of days until Haw just ran and found another spot and made notes on where to turn to find that location. So sniff, scurry and Haw just waited until Hew got the message. And that was basically it.
Link to it
I related to it because Sometimes I give up but I try again.

How can you apply your new knowledge to the Business Kete?:
I will be Resilent even when the business work is hard.

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