
Sunday 26 August 2018

Problem solving: Health

What did you learn about ?
I learnt … that there are some situation where you got to think of the positives and the negatives of it.

When discussing “Thought Challenges” what did you notice about yourself?
When I think I often react both Positive and Negative.
Here is an example of one situation I've been in

Challenging Thoughts
My Friends making me cry/ I’ll just sit here and cry/ Will I let this thought control my life/ Nah I got better things to do instead of listening to them

What solutions can you try when you face a challenge during the Business & Enterprise kete?
Here is an example that I had in year 7

Step one ->You want to make pom pom balls and I want to make glow in the dark mini jars

Step two->We will just make another Idea -We can make both
Step three->Take a long time to come to an agreement -More time wasted doing two

Step four->We ended up making pom pom balls ( Because a certain staff member didn’t like my design)

Step Five->We will start the planning next time

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