
Wednesday 7 November 2018


Health assessment 
If your boyfriend/Girlfriend told you to send nude pictures to them, and you know you don’t want to , and you know it’s wrong but you also don’t want him to think that you don’t love him anymore.How can you tell them in an assertive way? ( mind my pictures I type it at the bottom of this blog. And the weird photo angles)


Extension task : ( can’t spell on my sheet)
If they still pressure you to send them what do u say/ do and why?

Here is what I said to question one:
Question one:

  • I would say no then give them a reason. Here are the reasons and scenarios.
  • Someone else would text them: “Sorry no, because I don’t want to send nudes never, or not this age. I do love you don’t think I never did because I love you. Hopefully you understand.”
  • Someone else would talk to them face to face:  “ Sorry I can’t do that because I never want to send nudes at all because that’s not the type of person I am. Don’t think I don’t love you anymore because I love you with all my heart. Hopefully you will understand what I’m saying.”
  • Me in text: “ Sorry no, I’m not that type of person. I find it weird showing my body to someone if I’m not married/ not in a solid long relationship with them. I do love you deeply but I just don’t like doing those things. Hopefully you understand.”
  • Me Face to Face with them: ( what I said before)
Extension Question:

  • I would consider talking  to them more about it because they need to respect your decision because if they don’t then I think you should consider thinking about the relationship because trust, and understanding is one of the keys of a relationship.

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