
Saturday 2 March 2019

Gym- What I have improved on or what I need to improve on.

What have I improved on?:
I have improved in...

  • Shotput: By learning not to step in front of the circle when I'm exiting.
  • Discus: By learning how to through it properly through it.
  • High Jump: By learning how to do the scissor jump confidently
  • 100 meters sprint: By learning how to run at a suitable pass that you can coup with.
  •  Long Jump: By not running wibbly.
What do I need to improve on?:
I need to improve on....
  • Shotput: I need to improve on my distance of how far the shotput goes, also practice exiting the circle from the back of the circle.
  • Discus: I need to work on how to practice how to through the discus properly.
  • High Jump:  I need to learn how to do the back-flop one.
  • 100 meters sprint: Maybe train running every day.
  • Long Jump: Train doing Long Jump.

1 comment:

  1. Meagan
    What a great outline of what you have done and what next. This is THE best way to progress. Any targets in mind?


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