
Thursday 16 May 2019

Atomic Science- Science

In Science, we are learning about Atomic Science and we have to show are learning so... I decided to choose a poster so here it is

  1. Word Equations in Science is when two or more chemicals are mixed together to produce a chemical reaction or a type of chemical product.
  2. Balancing Symbols is when you have two chemicals that have balanced atoms in each of them to be able to make it a balanced chemical equation. ( Didn't really know how to explain it because that topic/part of the page was too hard for me to understand and get it in my brain, out of 100 I would say I know 70% of it)  
  3. Atoms are things that contain Electrons (-), Protons (+), and Neutrons (0). Everything is made out of atoms even YOU!!
  4. Elements are chemicals symbols that use usually use the name of the chemical. Its symbol can be one or two letters of the chemicals name but some chemicals don't start with there starting letter such as Gold=Au


  1. A large portion of the web journals imagine themselves as most usable and refreshed websites with new data yet at some point truth may distinctive. I need to share a few actualities identified with this subject which will help individuals to improve their aptitudes.

  2. Thanks for sharing your learning Meagan, I like how you have chosen a different way to present your summary. Do you know why some of the Elements chemical formulas don't match their spelling? Such as Au being gold- because the Latin name for gold is Aurum.


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