
Thursday 30 November 2017

Going Over It (AKA Lion King Musical)

Today Like always we are going over what is going to happen in the musical and what to do and act.
Nathan,Chimera and I worked on Hakuna Matata dance for us while the rest of the cast had there dance.
I think all I need to work on is my singing and some of my acting and my costume 

Today's photo YAYA

Conservation Badge Task/ What people think about Water Pollution

Task: 17★
Aim : Find 12 and get there opinion about Water Pollution.

Step one: Get my plan checked
Step Two: Find 12 people and get their opinions
Step Three: Get my blog checked
Step Four: Publish it.

Zach: Water Pollution is very stupid because it alters our drinking water. I understand that water pollution is one of the main ways to get rid of the stuff we don't need which is also knows as trash, by doing this it has been killing our sea life and making and the fishes we know and love reduce the numbers in a sad manner.

Neika: It is bad because we are wasting the water we drink and the habitat marine animals live in.

Connor: Water pollution is bad and we need to learn how to fix it some how.

Jacob: That it is killing the animals.

Kayne: It is bad because it is killing the sea animals.

Marshal: It is bad because it kills fish and animals.

Ryan: I hate water pollution because it is bad for the environment.

Keira: I don't like it because Microbeads go into the water and the sea animals eat those little tiny plastic.
Julianna: I think is bad because it pollutes the water and the sea animals.

Janaya: We should stop lettering around the ocean and waters because Turtle it the plastic.

Josh: people should stop lettering because the animals eat that and they could die.

Joel: I think it bad because it is bad for the water and I think we need to filter it so we can make it safer.

Conservation Badge task/ Find a creature and draw and write about it.

Task: 5★★
Aim: I want to find out what the insect looks like where it lives and then let it go.

Step 1: Get the plan checked
Step 2: Find a bug
Step 3: Go out and draw the insect
Step 4: Describe where it lives.
Step 5: Get it checked

Here is the information:
It is a brown type of moth it is normally lives every where but it is normally found in/on the grass.They are normally meal food for India. Meal moths eggs are often present in birds seeds. There are thing called Moth Caterpillars. The moths normally come out in the day but sometimes in the day.( sorry if I say normally a lot)

Conservation Badge Task/ Show views of Conservation

Task: 4★★
Aim: Do a doc role play of opposing views of Conservation.

Step one: Make doc of Connor and I sharing our point of view of the issue about it.
Step two: Check if it ok with the teacher if are doc explains it is ok.
Step three: Post it.
Voice over thing

Wednesday 29 November 2017

I'm working on my ROAR!! (AKA Lion King Musical)

Today we worked on the script and the song and dance
The sing teacher recommended that two people are the back up singers for me because I need to work on matching my voice with their voices.

We also ran through the circle of life the starting here is a photo

All I need to work on is my singing.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Let's Act (AKA Lion King Musical)

On Wednesday we went over the script and moves and act out what we are going to do.
Mid way through the thing I knew I was going to get pined down (because Simba gets pined downed by Nala) I was scared because I had to pretend I was wrestling someone. All I need to work on is where I go and to stop putting my back to the audience but other than that see ya next time.

Sorry no photo's today/Wednesday😟😭

Thursday 23 November 2017

Blood pumping dancing and singing (AKA Lion King Musical)

Today Zuzu=Zach, Nala=Jakita and Simba= Me and the understudys worked on the song of 'Just can't want to be king' and how to improve it.
link to the video-> Karaoke - Sing along
We practiced the ending for the circle of life

What I hope my character hair looks like this but without the frizz ( like space buns some of my hair up and some down)
My make-up too could look like this but more stand out-ish (if you know what I mean)

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Dance Time/(AKA Musical Theater)

I don't really know what we did in period one because I had an appointment But I do know that in period two we were practicing the circle of life dance( I don't think I should be in that dance because in the circle of life my little self is getting lifted up.) Half way through period two we split up into group such as dancers,Singers and cast and the rest was doing bloging.

Here is a photo of what happend when the others was continuing the circle of life and Nathan,Desharn and I were practicing the hakuna matata seen

Monday 20 November 2017

Singing with the animals( Aka Lion King Musical)

On Thursday evening people was trying out for roles Luckily I got what I wished. I wanted to get the role of Simba.

What does Simba/ Lion look like?

How does my character move?
I move a happly when I am in kid version but when I am an adult I move like a leader.

What are my Traits?
Kid: Happy, Joyful, A normal kid
Adult: Leader trait,Loyal, Trust worthy.

What I mite look like

With yellow-ish makeup on the face with space buns ( to be the ears)

Thursday 16 November 2017

Snazzy funtimes in the lion that want's to be a king.( AKA Lion King musical)

In the rehearsal today it was qute ok i guess we did this type of game where we had to frezze and make up a random thing to say . As you can see I am the girl but My friend Nathan was on his knees at the time I said "don't try to hug me!" But in my head I wanted to say "Don't propose to me please!"

In the lion king musical there are two characters that I would really like to play my first option is Nala
Why do I want to play Nala? I would like to play 'her' because I have a type of sidekick motion.
My second option is Simba. Why do I want to play Simba? I normally like to be the main charterer and be the center person and It would be cool if the opposite sex had that role.

Conservation Badge task/ Interview someone about Conservation

Aim: I want to find out what are other peoples point of view is about conservation.

Step One: Find a person with a cultural background
Step two: Write down what they say about what they think about conservation.
Step three: Check to see if they said all that they wanted to say.

What does the word conservation mean?
Saving and life saving.
How can you save the animals?
You kinda can't because it is the way of life.
How can you save the forestry?
Try making different ways to make paper and others things.

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Musical Theater/ Lion King the Broadway/Musical

In Musical theater today we did some useful warm ups and useful singing warm ups with a professional coach and with one the teachers that sang for NZ for 5 years.

In the lion king the musical I would like to be one of the main characters ⭐⭐
Today I learned that when you sing it comes from your stomach.

Monday 13 November 2017

Creative Excellence "Musical"

Voice Warm ups
Dance- Thriller
Magic Mover
Copy Clap
Drama warm ups
Listen "take directions"
Ensemble-Works Together

I would like to be a main character⭐

Art Recap

Colour wheel:

Panting wheel
Rating it how much I liked it
Like: 8/10
Why did I do this design?: We got told to do it like this.


Rating it how much I liked it
Like: 6/10
Why did I do this design?: Because I looked up a random Kowhaiwhai that miss said and then a just pieced the first one there

You can't really see it but is was thumbnail of my super hero in different angles.
Rating it how much I liked it
Like: 7/10
Why did I do this?: Because I wanted to do a anime super hero.

Painting styles:

Making blue lighter and darker.
Rating it how much I liked it
Like: 7/10
Why did I chose this colour?: Because it was ether blue or red and I thought red was going to be hard trying to make it lighter.

Workbook/ More painting:

Workbook page/Colours
Rating it how much I liked it
Like: 6/10
Why did I do this design?:Because I wanted to put the workbook page and the painting in two different areas.

A random photo/pic what I did in Art class:

Random work I did in Art.
Rating it how much I liked it
Like: 7/10
Why did I do this person?: Because at the time Miss said think a character so I thought of Metton from Undertale.

Painting Superhero:

Painting Superhero
Rating it how much I liked it
Like: 9/10
Why did I do this design?: Because I wanted to paint and draw an anime superhero.

Thursday 9 November 2017

Conservation Badge task/New Zealand parks

Task 21★
Aim: Make a time line of the history of NZ nation parks

Step 1: Find out national parks establish
Ste 2: Find a fact about each park.
Step 3: Put the slides in order to oldest to youngest

Friday 3 November 2017

Conservation Badge Task/ Make a Poster or a Wall chart about damaging bushes

Aim: I want to find out what happens to the bushes if you walk/stamp/litter on them and how to save it from getting damage in the day and night tramping and camping.

Step 1: Find the information about it.
Step 2: Note down what I found out.
Step 3: Create a poster.
Step 4: Check if it explains what is happening to it and how we can save it.
Step 5: Check with the teacher.
Step 6: Publish it on my blog.


As you can see from this poster that there are meany reasons why our foresty is getting damage.
Here are some of the information

  •  Normaly campers put their tents on new grass but they should put it on dirt.
  • Some People take their animals to the forest and they don't bring leash and a plastic bag.
  • People drop their rubbish 
and more reasons