
Monday 13 November 2017

Art Recap

Colour wheel:

Panting wheel
Rating it how much I liked it
Like: 8/10
Why did I do this design?: We got told to do it like this.


Rating it how much I liked it
Like: 6/10
Why did I do this design?: Because I looked up a random Kowhaiwhai that miss said and then a just pieced the first one there

You can't really see it but is was thumbnail of my super hero in different angles.
Rating it how much I liked it
Like: 7/10
Why did I do this?: Because I wanted to do a anime super hero.

Painting styles:

Making blue lighter and darker.
Rating it how much I liked it
Like: 7/10
Why did I chose this colour?: Because it was ether blue or red and I thought red was going to be hard trying to make it lighter.

Workbook/ More painting:

Workbook page/Colours
Rating it how much I liked it
Like: 6/10
Why did I do this design?:Because I wanted to put the workbook page and the painting in two different areas.

A random photo/pic what I did in Art class:

Random work I did in Art.
Rating it how much I liked it
Like: 7/10
Why did I do this person?: Because at the time Miss said think a character so I thought of Metton from Undertale.

Painting Superhero:

Painting Superhero
Rating it how much I liked it
Like: 9/10
Why did I do this design?: Because I wanted to paint and draw an anime superhero.

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