
Friday 29 June 2018

The Animal Kingdom ( science) Part 2

List of Different types of...
True Worms: ( 24,000 species) Flatworms (12,000 species)
Image result for true wormswormImage result for tapeworm FlatwormImage result for trichinosis worms      Trichinosis

  • Body is tubular and/or made up of segment.
  • Tube-like digestive system.
  • Breathe through their skin.
Sponges: (10,000 species)
Image result for different types of sponges        Image result for CalcareaCalcarea
 Image result for Homoscleromorpha     Homoscleromorpha
  • Take in water through pores ( little holes) in their bodies from which they filter (take out) little bots of food.
Cnidarians ( 9,000 species):
Image result for MyxozoaMyxozoaImage result for Sea anemone Sea anemone
Image result for ScyphozoaTrue Scyphozoa
  • Hollow body with specialised cells (stingers) that they use for capturing prey.
  • Live in water.
Molluscs (100,000 species)
Image result for CuttlefishCuttlefishImage result for KimberellaKimberellaImage result for AplacophoraAplacophora

  • Most live in the sea.
  • Most have shells.
  • Unsegmented body.
Echinoderms (9,000 species)
Image result for BlastoideaBlastoided    Image result for Sea cucumber Sea Cucumber           rImage result for Brittle stars Brittle Stars

  • A skeleton made up of five plates.
  • Tube feet.
  • Live in the sea.
Arthropods (> 1,000,000 species) 
Image result for Centipede Centipede Image result for Millipede Millipede
Image result for Sea spider    Sea Spider
  • Jointed legs.
  • Divided into four further sub-group.
Image result for Barnacle Barnacle Image result for Cladocera Cladocera (water Flea) Image result for Maxillopoda Maxillopoda
  • Most are aquatic
  • Body divided into three part.
  • Most breathe with gills.
  • Hard outer skeletons.
Image result for Pauropoda    Pauropoda Image result for Symphyla        Symphla Image result for Millipede Millipede and Centipede (two for one)

  • Many pairs of legs.
  • A single pair of antennae.
  • Simple eyes.
Image result for mole cricket Mole Cricket Image result for Assassin Bug Assassin Bug Image result for Snakefly Snakefly
  • Body divided into three parts.
  • Three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings.
  • One pair of antennae on head.
  • Compound eyes.
Image result for Harvestmen         Harvestmen     Image result for Palpigradi     Palpigradi 
Image result for Acari   Acari

  • Body Divided into two pairs.
  • Four pairs of legs and no wings.
  • No antennae.

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