
Friday 22 June 2018

The Animal Kingdom (science) Part 1

Image result for goblin shark
Fish: (31,000 species)

FugmugImage result for fugmug fishgoblin Shark->Image result for the pacu fish         pacu Fish

  • live in Water
  • Breathe with Gills
  • Moist lay Eggs
  • Cartilage or bony Skin
  • Cold-Blooded
Amphibian: (7,000 Species)
Image result for weird looking amphibians Black Rain FrogHairy FrogImage result for weird looking amphibiansIndian purple Frog

  • Moist Skin
  • Lay their eggs in water
  • Larvae breathe with Gills
  • Adults breathe with Lungs
  • Adults live on Land
  • Cold-blooded
Reptile: (10,000 species)
Image result for weird looking reptilesPhrynocephalusBrookesia minimaBrookesia minima
Moloch horridusMoloch horridus

  • Dry, Scaly Skin
  • Lay eggs
  • Breathe with Lungs
  • Cold- Blooded

Birds: ( 10,00 species)
Image result for weird looking birdsShoebillnightjar-birdsStandard-Winged Nightjarbleeding-heart-birdsLuzon Bleeding-Heart
  • Covered in fur
  • Lay egg with hard shells
  • Have wings
  • Warm-blooded
  • Breathe with lungs

Mamales: (5,500 species)
Image result for weird looking mammalsAye-ayeThe Maned WolfThe Babirusa
  • Body covered in hair or fur
  • Feed young on Milk
  • Warm-blooded
  • Breathe using Lungs

1 comment:

  1. Ni hau

    These animals creeped me out but are also cool, take that as a compliment, great job


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