
Monday 22 July 2019

English: Another World - Diversity

What does Diversity mean to me?: My definition is diffrent backgrounds and culture. 

What did you already know? : I knew some writing styles when we were doing essays

What did you learn this year? : How to make a good structured essays

Diversity meaning people of all different backgrounds and culture. So in English this year we have been learning about people from different worlds eg Silent voice. Silent voice is a Japanese movie that is about this guy bullying a girl that is deaf. This helped me learn that don't bully anyone if you don't know their story or background. When I came into English I knew some different writing styles BUT out of this year so far I have learnt how to make good structured essays.


  1. Hello Meagan, I really liked your blog post. I especially liked how you described that you shouldn't bully someone without knowing their background or story. Next time i recommend adding more detail to your writing, especially about what diversity means to you.

  2. Guten Morgen Meagan, I like the way you structured your blog post and that you put a lot of effort into it. Next time try to remember that when it says what diversity mean to you it means what diversity is to you and how you think of it not the definition

    Yours Truely, Logan

  3. Neat post, Meagan!
    I'm glad you found A Silent Voice interesting and wrote about what you learned from it.


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