
Friday 27 September 2019

Wind racer~Science

In science, we are focusing on forces and how it affects everyday items and equipment. So to demonstrate it we decided to make wind racers ( Sails ) soooooo here is the process we had to go through...

  1. Research: The first step was to look up what is it and all the forces that act on it and how to make it glind through the wind.
  2. Design: The second step was to design it and make the pictures and images come to life ( 3D). Our design was dived by three ( Because we had three people in our team) 
  3. Build: The third step was to build it and draw it. BUT now we had 5 people in our team but two members were not there so we divide it but three and so that one of the members the weren't there can draw on one of there mates bit. SO I decide to put the country's I am from so I put half Filipino and half New Zealander because that's what I am. We also put two cardboards at the bottom to make it go through the air a little bit faster and longer.
  4. Test: Now came the test, so one of our team members had to use the leaf blower for it to be able to go through the wind. So we had to record the time/long the racer went through the wind and our time and distance were 5.07 seconds and 2.30m was our distance.
  5. Redesign/ Make changes: So after the first testing, we were able to redesign and make changes so it can be improved. SO what we did was cardboard in the middle of the paper and the pole.
  6. Test: SO now the redid test came back, so we tested it and..... it failed because the original distance was 2.30m but we did 1.80m -________- so I wasn't pleased ( I was flipping out because the original was better than the second one) 
  7. Evaluation: SO, in conclusion, the original one was better with two cardboard at the bottom and just paper for the sail.

( I'll add the photo later so you can see what it was)

Thursday 26 September 2019

Japan~ Home ec

What have I currently learnt about japan?: Some foods I already know and some different type of culture they have there.

What did I learn today?: I learnt that there are more things I didn't know that NZ adapted from Japan.

How does Japanese presentation compare to NZ presentation?: Well for us some take quick to make it prepared and others take least one hour BUT in japan, it is like an art, like the way they present it is always beautiful and creative.

ALSO in this topic, we were learning about rice so here is my presentation of it

Rice questions:
If you were in a zombie Apokolips what type of rice would you have?
If rice had never existed what would have been the side bit?
How is rice grown?

( those questions are for the commenters to think about and comment. soo let me know what would be your answers)

Gymnastics~ PE/ GYM

  1. What sequence or routine is your video showing?: The Sequence I did was forward roll, jump 1/2 and backwards roll. A( I don't know how to spell) Cartwheel, forward roll, whole jump, backwards roll.
  2. Why did I choose this sequence?: I chose this two-floor sequence because it was easy to do and hard.
  3. Do you think you have improved in this sequence? At the start, I do admit I was the worst at it but I keep trying and I practised SOOO hard
  4. How did I improve?: I had help but Mr Hillard and my friends incurring me.
( Upload video once I eventually get it)

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Tech and Change

In social studies, we are learning about tech and change throughout the whole term. In this topic, we have learnt about technology these days and how it has changed, the Egyptian times, Roman era. With all the information we learned BU and HH decided to team up and make an exhibition. SO this is a video of what BU and HH have done about tech and Change

What was my favourite thing about this topic?: Making the lego pyramids and TP mummies.

What could I improve on next time?: Maybe finishing my manikins because some bits were really hard to make :(

Thursday 12 September 2019

Pad Thai ~ Home Eco

In our last practical we did we made Pad Thai.

 Here are some photos

Once again this was another successful practice because there was only three of us which was very difficult even though there was three of us but we made it work. We may needed help by two people BUT we still made it work.

The outcome was good it was well presented, by that I mean it looked good and tasted nice, it's a shame that there was 3 of us even though the job required 4 people.

Taste: 9/10 . I rate it that because I wish mine was more spicy, like it was beautiful but it could have a little more spice to it.
Prep: 9/10. I think we did good on prep and cooking it, I keep everyone on there toes.
Teamwork: 9/10. I think we worked well as a team even though there was 3 of us BUT somehow we made it work.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Critical Literacy ~ Drama (update)

Critical Literacy  for Directors
 “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” (Nelson Mandela)

1. Textual Purposes
a. What is this play about? A woman named Mel who is still living with the memory of a guy in her class that mystory died How do we know? Because in multiple moments they mention the guy and how she keeps bringing him up.
b. Who would be most likely to watch this play and why? Young adults, or Mature teens because of how it's dealing with tuff topics.
c. What does the author of this play want the audience to know? That it is fine to be able to have these thoughts about someone but don't become too hung up and don't pretend like nothing has happened.

2. Textual Structures and Features 
a. What are the structures and features of this play? 
b. What period/genre does this play belong to? 
d. What kind of language is used in the play? 

a. How are roles constructed in this text?  
B. As director how would you prepare actors to convey these roles

4. Power and Interest 
a,.  What knowledge does the audience need to bring to this text in order to understand it? 
B.   Which positions, voices, and interests are at play in this text? 
C,  How is the audience positioned in relation to the performance of this play? 
g. How does the text depict age, gender, cultural groups? 

5. Gaps and Silences 
a. Are there gaps and silences in the play? 
b. Who is missing from the play? 
c. What has been left out of the play? 
d. What questions about itself does the play not raise? 

6. Whose View? Whose Reality? 
a. What views of the world is the play presenting? 
b. What kinds of social realities does the play portray? 
c. How does the play construct a version of reality? 
d. What is real in the text? 
e. How would the text be different if it were told in another time, place, or culture? 

7. Understanding the playwrite
1. What view of the world and values does the playwrite have? How do we know? 

8. Multiple Meanings
a. What different interpretations of the play are possible? 
b. How else could the text have been written? 

As DIRECTOR what do you want this play to look like/ sound like and feel like for the audience?

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Pizza ~ Home Economics

In our last practical we did we made Pizza. 

Here is the end result...

( Sorry the layout is like that )

Once again this was another successful practical because at the start we all decided who would do what and that went pretty smoothly if someone didn't have a job to do they would just do some cleaning up 

The outcome was good it was well presented, by that I mean it looked good even though there was A LOT of cheese leftover and some other vegs BUT other than that we worked well as a team, we may have been a little behind but we knew how to pick up the pace and make sure we are on time. 

Taste: 10/10 The ingredients were so juicy and nice on the taste buds.
Prep: 10/10 I think we did an amazing job dividing ourself between the jobs and how if one person was doing nothing they could clean up.
Teamwork: 10/10 Like I stated up the top with my points.

Ancient Pyramids~ Social Studies

In Social Studies we are learning about tech and change, For this topic, we are studying more about the Ancient Egypt People and it in general. Within a topic, in a topic, we are learning about pyramids and everything about them. So after we learnt about of stuff about them we made pyramids out of lego blocks and this is what we created.......

 This is me being an awkward person that I am when someone takes photos of me. Also, these are my two moods in class. This is also me thinking at this moment .. what am I doing

So after I built something our whole table decided to make a big HUGE one.. as you can see this is our group helping each other out.