
Tuesday 22 October 2019

Spag Bol ~ Home eco

In our last practical we did we made Spag Bol

Spag Bol is a pasta type of dish that uses spaghetti pasta and tomato sauce, in that included onions, garlic. The pasta had to be cooked on/in an al dente level. At the end when everything was cooked we had to heat the meal - the cheese ( Because if we did it would have been cold) 

Once again this was another successful practice because there were some ups and downs but mostly good because we worked together getting the jobs done.
The outcome was good it was well presented, by that I mean it looked good and tasted nice BUT to me, I can handle dry pasta for a little bit of time before I gag ( Yes there was sauce but I dint;t think of mixing it).

Taste: 7/10. I rate it that because for me at the start it was nice and delouse but if I eat too much dry pasta I gag.
Prep: 9/10. I think we did good on prep and cooking it, I keep everyone on their toes once again ( even me too)
Teamwork: 9/10. I think we worked well as a team even though I thought we weren't going to make it because I put the wrong pot on the wrong element BUT  we made it on time, maybe earlier than some, but I'm lucky I had luke because I would have forgotten some steps 

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