
Monday 10 February 2020

View Points ~Drama

In drama, we are learning all these different techniques. For this point, it is view pointing. View pointing is an actors point of view there are nine different viewpoints.

Viewpoints of space ( Spataitial Relationships, Architecture, Floor Pattern)
Viewpoints of the Body  ( Shape, Gesture)
Viewpoint of Time  ( Kinaesthetic response, Repetition, Duration, Tempo)

Spatial Relationships:
This is the distance between the stage, body distance, body to objects, body to body, or an object/piece of architecture.
Image result for Spatial Relationships in drama

The physical environment in which you are working with and how aware of space/movementImage result for space/movement in drama

Floor Pattern:
It is a floor pattern that actors may choose. This determines how the actor gets to place to place.
Image result for dancing steps

It's peoples body relating to one another to make a certain type of body shape in space.
Image result for Shapes in drama
A movement involving a body part/s that gives shape to express what you are talking about. It's another way to get a point across in a story.
Image result for Gesture:
Kinaesthetic Response: 
This is a physical reaction to something which occurs outside you.
Image result for Kinaesthetic Response: in drama
The rate or speed at which a movement occurs. For example, fast or slow something is happening.
Image result for Tempo: in drama
How long a movement or sequence of movement continues.
Image result for Duration: in drama
Repeating something on stage. It can be an exact copy or it could be a variation.
Image result for Repetition: in drama
Meaning it is resilience. Never giving up. Having a growth mindset.
Image result for growth mindset

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