
Thursday 22 August 2019

Fish & Chips - Home ec

In our last practical we did we made Fish & Chips. The way we did it was the fish we used was Hoki and the chips we did was either sweet potato or red potatoes.

This is the meal we made ( sorry that I didn't take a photo of the meal we made ;( )
 Image result for crumbed hoki fish and chips recipe
My group worked really well together we made the person not doing any work made him help with us. We did full behind on the mixture with the chip but other than that it all went smoothly and on time.

 I think the meal tasted divine, it has the right number of spices to it. The chips tasted nice.
We also had to make a paper cone.... ( I failed at that :( )  so that it looked really nice and decorated.
Overall I think it was good teamwork and good cooking :)

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