
Thursday 29 August 2019

Speeches- English

In English this term we are learning about presenting and talking to the class. We are showing this by doing speeches, people in my class have different types of speeches such as a favourite show to personal experiences. Mine is about Breakup and Relationships.

We first started off presenting to the whole class but after that, we have the option to present it to the whole class, so I decided to present it to the whole class.

So like I said before mine is about break-ups and relationship, I only did this topic because it is a personal experience and It will probably inspire people ( if you want to see it then comment down below with your email so I can send it to you)

I am proud that I did it because it will help me and other people in their lives.

The thing I will change next time is to be just a BIT more confident in it because I am worried that people will laugh at me for showing my emotions.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Meagan. You explained what we've been up to very well. You accidentally wrote "whole class" twice, instead of writing that it was a "small group" to start with.
    You did well with your speech! It's awesome that you challenged yourself to do it in front of the whole class.
    You had a loud, clear voice. You used gestures and changed the tone of your voice. There were even a few impressions for your examples!
    Next time you could make more eye contact with the audience.


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