
Tuesday 26 February 2019

Anaerobic Respiration- Science

To demonstrate the effects of anaerobic respiration (muscle fatigue).

I think what will happen is when I'm closing and opening the peg my muscle will get really tired ( how long I think I'll last is a good 5 minutes)

 A spring-loaded clothes peg.


  1. Hold the clothes peg like so
  2. Relax your fingers so that the peg close all the way.
  3. Squeeze your thumb and forefinger so the peg is fully open.
  4. Repeat step and 3 as quickly as you can until you experience muscle fatigue. ( don't do it too hard)
Results/ Observations:
My muscle was all goods at the start (I lasted at least a good 2 mintues/1min and 50secs) and then my muscle got tired at 1 min so I keep going until I gave completely.

Conclusion/ Discussion:
The reason why are muscle gets tired is because of the muscle in your body is working but, the oxygen in your lungs is trying to keep up and that's how you get sore and tired. In conclusion, I think I did well but I should have last longer.

What would I do the same?: I would keep going until I give up
What would I do differently?: Maybe lift my other three fingers up ( because I touched my fingers in and the hurt a part of my hand)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome work Meagan! It was good to see the detail you put in.
    Next time for your conclusion also put whether or not your hypothesis was correct. Then in your discussion explain why you think your results happened. Would have been good to see your results linked to anaerobic respiration- eg. my finger muscles were using up energy, and ran out of oxygen to use aerobic respiration, so could only do anaerobic.

    Grade- 7/10


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