
Saturday 16 February 2019

Drama- Animal Show

What does a children's show need?
we are doing a 20-minute show appealing to 5-7 year-olds. What we got so far is...

Focus - be nice to animals,

Actions - Comedy/Interaction - kids up/dancing; questions

Roles - Animal (real); costumes, masks; tricks - hoop jumping

Time - 20 minutes

Tension - Hurt, SPCA stories of abuse -> Rescue

Space - Auditorium, need to look at the bookings.

some idea's we got were these...

Jakita said:

1. Get a volunteer from the SPCA to speak about how to care for animals 

2. educate people on story's of cruelty of the animals then tell them how they/we helped/ rescued.

Logan said:

We could do a bunch of short stories

We could make a play where we get the audience to interact and help us create the story

An anonymous person said:

"Rent" some animals

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